curiousity-driven, ever-evolving research and innovation
challenging the status quo through a sensible perspective
cherchent l'excellence sensible et poétique, sans être snob. Le luxe de dédier du tempsWe behave as organic stimulators: like fungi, viruses, bacteria in a system, we activate fermentation of processes, models, people from the inside. We work with organic matter to question the AS-IS, learn and help produce/progress projects that embody a different view of the world, raw, direct
Who we are
We are outcasts, misfits, a product of an education system that tries to standardize people without valuing, or even consider, uniqueness. We relentlessly explore, research, taste, try and travel. We are not content with how things are and we work to provide new perspectives that mix technology, sensibility, ….
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creative strategist, research initiator, polymath,multisensoriality expert, writer, perfumist | implementator, technologist, wizard of cables, venture creation driver |
What we do
We work on innovative projects, research and labs, providing new perspectives through creative conflict.Action Areas
AI | Biohacking | Multisensorial Experiences | Body Movement | Interrelational Living | Entrepreneurship